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This project was all about the bucks. The team was awarded a grant for the ad so budgeting was the biggest factor to account for, especially since there were several locations and talent involved. While I had other roles, planning out where each dollar went and keeping track of those expenditures were imperative to making sure money wouldn't become an issue. The complexity of this project was daunting in the beginning, but I'm glad I agreed because it turned out great and earned a few awards.


Director, Writer, Editor:  Remington Butler
DP:  Tanner Jackson
Art Direction:  Annie Kate Cutler, Sav Chapple, Charlotte Ward
Asst. Producers: Eli Wright, Lucy Nielson
VFX: Connor Kleinman, Stockton Black
Sound: Jacob Malasky
Editor: Morgan Capener
Title Card: Jack Dearden


2023 D&AD Yellow Pencil

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